Jungian Wednesday - Summer workshop on the study of therapeutic methods of working with mandalas
The thesis that "the mandala - the common denominator of all pathways," owned by CG Jung will be enriched by ideas Dzh.Kellog, Edward F. Edinger, E. Neumann, M. Mahler and E. Erikson, as well as images of the participants in the workshop. Drawing mandalas to be used for expression and detection of its own essence of participants.
The workshop will begin on 15 June 2011, and will be held on Wednesdays from 18:30 to 21:30 (1,000 rubles). During the summer months.
Lead - Jungian analyst Valery Miller +7 926 224 85 52, beznervoff@yandex.ru
Faculty members offer:
- Consulting
- Psychotherapy (individual, therapy of children, family therapy)
- Psychoanalysis
The consultation not less than 45 minutes (90 minutes),
duration of psychoanalysis, 45 - 50 minutes.
Serge Lebovici:
1 - Introduction de Serge Lebovici sur la consultation thérapeutique.
Le cas Edith
Première consultation: les parents viennent sans l'enfant.
2 - Exposé de la situation clinique: troubles du sommeil chez un bébé de 20 jours.
3 - 1ére, 2éme, 3éme et 4éme séquences cliniques.
4 - 5éme et 6éme séquences cliniques.
Эпизод 1-й из 7-ми, диск 1: Serge Lebovici. Éléments de la psychopathologie du bébé?

The classification of psychopathologies
- a retrospective of Psychiatry of Soviet period in audio format mp3
(to listen to [in Russian only], you must first download the audio track - click on the title) |